Proefstation Voor De Akker-En Weidebouw: Internationale Vezelvlasrassenproeven 1956 t/m 1959 Ir. J.C. Friederich Mededling No.53, 1961
Scope and Content Note
John Milton Webber was an associate cytologist and research agronomist. His yucca reports documented field trips; species, variations and distribution; estimated yields; propagation and growth; harvesting; fibers; and botanical problems. These reports include photographs.
The phormium reports were written by Donald William Fisher and Cecil Richard Stanton at the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station during the 1950s.
- Creation: 1961
Conditions Governing Access
Contact Special Collections for access.
Language of Materials
From the Sub-Series: English
Repository Details
Part of the National Agricultural Library Special Collections Repository
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Room 309
Beltsville Maryland 20705 USA