Box 1
Contains 25 Results:
"The Agricultural Situation", 1927
"The Grazing Homestead in Utah", 1927
Souvenir program of the Thanksgiving Game, Utah Aggies vs University of Utah, 11/24/1927
There is an article about Cardon as the chairman of the athletic council on page 47
“19 Gridsters Hop Off for Ukelele Land", 12/2/1927
Student Life XXVI (December 2, 1927): 1, 4
"The Place of Research in the Agricultural Program", 1929
Draft of special article for Student Life, 5/3/1929
Draft of special article for Student Life in honor of the publication's 27th anniversary
Draft of article on Cardon’s visit to Washington, District of Columbia, 7/3/1929
Draft of article on Cardon’s visit to Washington, District of Columbia, and the proposed animal disease investigations to be conducted by Utah Experiment Station, prepared for Student Life
Draft of article on the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, 1929
Prepared for Buzzer, the Utah Agricultural College yearbook
"The College and Agriculture", 1930
Draft of editorial prepared for Utah State Quarterly
"The Utah Agricultural Experiment Station", 2/26/1930
Draft of article prepared for "Buzzer"