Box 3
Contains 81 Results:
Forage Crops and Diseases, 1936
Plant Breeding in Relation to Pasture Improvement in the United States, 1937-05 - 1937-07
Plant Breeding in Relation to Pasture Improvement in the United States, by Philip Vincent Cardon, prepared for presentation as a plenary paper before the Fourth International Grasslands Congress, Aberystwyth, Wales, July, 1937. Other items in folder: Philip Vincent Cardon’s handwritten notes on Queen’s Hotel stationery; typed note to Secretary of Agriculture from F.D.R., forwarding Cardon’s paper
Letter from Stephen B. Gibbons to the Secretary of Agriculture, 5/21/1937
Confirms receipt of request to extend the usual customs courtesies to Philip Vincent Cardon and wife upon their arrival in New York on the Steamship Manhattan
Itinerary of Full Congress Tour – Option 4. Fourth International Grassland Congress, Great Britain, 1937-07
Letter from R.G. Stephenson to Philip Vincent Cardon, 7/9/1937
Letter from R.G. Stephenson to Philip Vincent Cardon, requesting Cardon’s participation in a discussion during the Fourth International Grassland Congress
United States Department of Agriculture Press Release, 7/15/1937
Cardon tells European Countries of United States Grass Improvement Plans
Cardon’s notes on grasslands, 1937
Written on stationery from the Queen’s Hotel, Aberystwyth, Wales
[Draft of Cardon’s?] remarks to Grassland Congress, 1937
Special Report on Official Trip to Various European Countries, Parts I-V, 1937
Special Report on Official Trip to Various European Countries, Part VI, 1937
p. 44-79, 1” x 2.5” black and white contact (Leica) photographs mounted on sheets of paper with descriptive legends