Box 4
Contains 34 Results:
"Adaptation of Crops to New Environment", 3/7/1949
By Dr. Philip Vincent Cardon, United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources
“New Chemurgic Crop Possibilities", 1949-05
Philip Vincent Cardon, “New Chemurgic Crop Possibilities,” Chemurgic Digest: 8-11
E.A. Meyer Resigns as Administrator of Research and Marketing Act, Washington, 7/26/1949
"The World’s Potential in Food and Agriculture", 12/27/1949
By Philip Vincent Cardon, prepared for and read before a joint meeting of the American Farm Economic Association, Population Association of America, and American Economic Association, New York City
Ticket, name tag, and guest list from National Premiere of “Waves of Green,” Nashville, North Carolina, 5/22/1950
United States Position on Food and Agriculture Organization Projects as Compared with Working Party Recommendations, 5/3/1951
"Long-term Problems of Food and Agriculture Organization", 5/18/1951
Position paper on agenda item IV(1), Food and Agriculture Organization Council, twelfth session
Technical Assistance, 5/18/1951
Position paper on agendaitem IV(5), Food and Agriculture Organization Council, twelfth session
“A philosophy of agricultural research”, 1951
Outline of talk presented to the Torch Club
"Organization of Agricultural Research in the United States”, 1952-03
Philip Vincent Cardon, “Organization of Agricultural Research in the United States,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture: 97-104