Box II.D.3
Contains 30 Results:
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Cynanchum sp.
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Medicago sativa
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Psoralea lanceolata
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Sterculia platanifolia
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Sphenostylis angustifolia
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Urera alceifolia (U. subpeltata, U. caracasana)
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Furcraea cabuya integra
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Furcraea gigantea
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.
Furcraea foetida
Fiber samples are stored in glass specimen bottles identified as "small bottles." The index cards indicate the presence of "large bottles" at one time, but they are not included in this collection.