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Showing Collections: 251 - 260 of 420

Quelea Research Collection

Identifier: MS0430
Content Description The Quelea Research Collection consists of reports and notes collected by Richard L. Bruggers, director of the National Wildlife Research Center. The documents are primarily published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; however, many are produced by government and non-government entities. Materials include research reports, technical reports, conference minutes, and other types of informational reports, many with maps. There are documents in English, and...
Dates: 1960-1999

R. Ewing and R. LeNeil Poultry Anatomy Drawings

Identifier: MS0343
Content Description

The R. Ewing and R. LeNeil Poultry Anatomy Drawings consist of approximately 600 anatomical drawings of poultry used in various publications. There are 10 oversized boxes and an inventory of the collection is stored on CD-ROM.

Dates: undated

Ralph Edward Hodgson Papers

Identifier: MS0081
Content Description

The Ralph Edward Hodgson Papers consist of autobiographical and biographical information, writings, studies, papers, speeches, trip reports, bulletins, reprints, and publications. Of significance to those interested in Hodgson's early years is his 1970 autobiographical work titled "From the Sands of Mazomanie: A Story of a Wisconsin Farm Boy."

Dates: 1929-1975

Raymond Andrew Loanes Papers

Identifier: MS0353
Content Description The Raymond Andrew Ioanes Papers include correspondence and memoranda from the Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS), speeches given by Ioanes, and two photographs. Topics include the 20th-century history of FAS, foreign agricultural trade, the dispersal of surplus agricultural products in foreign countries, and trade relations with Russia, the European Community (EC), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Materials relating to the Association for Diplomatic Studies' Foreign...
Dates: 1953-1997

Report on Trials of Plows Manuscript

Identifier: MS0321
Content Description This item consists of an original manuscript for the Report on Trials of Plows: Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society by Anonymous, 1867, Part I, Volume XXVII, Illustrated. The book is composed of illustrations, which appear to be original art with hand-lettered captions. It appears to have been self-published. The illustrations were inserted in handmade pages, which were hole-punched and bound with a cord inserted through the pages. There are front...
Dates: 1867

Rice Technical Working Group Meetings

Identifier: MS0512
Content Description

Proceedings from the semi-annual Rice Technical Working Group Meetings prepared for distribution. Contains over 20 bound hard copies for 1951 through 2000. The meetings from 2002 through 2016 are on compact disk. 2018 is on a USB drive. Most items usually cover a summary of committee business, abstracts of papers presented, and the latest agricultural survey data.

Dates: Publication: Majority of material found within 1951 - 2018

Richard P. White Papers

Identifier: MS0197
Content Description

The Richard P. White Papers contain correspondence, brochures, newsletters, publications, subject files, and drafts relating to White's manuscript "A Century of Service: A History of the Nursery Industry Association of the United States."

Dates: 1965-1975

Robert Lee Tontz Papers

Identifier: MS0175
Content Description The Robert Lee Tontz Papers consist of statistics, clippings, and publications related to U.S. and foreign trade, including comparisons between exports and imports from 1790 through the 1970s. Also included are data about projected voting in congressional elections (farm versus nonfarm areas) dating from the 1950s to the 1970s. Other materials include correspondence, reports, membership files on the Farm Bureau and the Grange, and photographs. There is a copy of Tontz's work, ...
Dates: 1920-1993

Robert Leslie Usinger Collection on Carolus Linnaeus

Identifier: MS0187
Content Description

The Robert Leslie Usinger Collection on Carolus Linnaeus is a collection of books by Carolus Linnaeus, the founder of systematic biology, on insects and other animals. The collection also includes works about Linnaeus.

Dates: 1747-1957

Roland Clarence Hartman Papers

Identifier: MS0254
Content Description

The Roland Clarence Hartman Papers include speeches, articles, publications, and advertising material related to poultry.

Dates: 1928-1980

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USDA history 178
plant science and plant products 102
agricultural history 71
organizations 52
economics 48
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farms and farming systems 47
animal science 43
human nutrition 41
entomology 40
natural resources 34
physical and chemical sciences 28
poultry 28
plant exploration and collection 22
forestry 17
Cochliomyia hominivorax 12
pest control programs 11
agricultural economics 8
sterile insect technique 7
trade associations 7
agricultural communications 6
government and administration 6
plant diseases and disorders 6
poultry industry 6
agricultural education 5
international cooperation 5
plant breeding 5
agricultural policy 4
extension education 4
ornamental plants 4
agricultural research 3
animal breeding 3
botanical illustration 3
business enterprises 3
commercial horticulture 3
environmental education 3
extension agents 3
food marketing 3
fruits 3
grain crops 3
insect rearing 3
insect surveys 3
insecticides 3
ornamental horticulture 3
outreach 3
pesticide application 3
plant pests 3
public relations 3
purebreds 3
rural sociology 3
small farms 3
small fruits 3
social marketing 3
standards and grades 3
wool 3
4-H Youth Development Program 2
China 2
Curacao 2
Japan 2
U.S. Cooperative Extension Service 2
USDA Forest Service 2
USDA National Agricultural Library 2
agricultural engineering 2
agricultural experiment stations 2
agricultural machinery and equipment 2
agricultural programs and projects 2
animal byproducts 2
animal parasites and pests 2
biological insect control 2
child nutrition 2
cut flowers 2
dairy industry 2
egg production 2
egg products 2
environmental hazards 2
extension programs 2
family and consumer science 2
fire prevention 2
floriculture 2
food law 2
food safety 2
food science 2
foot-and-mouth disease 2
forest conservation 2
fruit crops 2
fruit diseases 2
fruit growing 2
hides and skins 2
homemaking 2
honors and awards 2
insect biochemistry 2
livestock breeding 2
marketing 2
medicinal plants 2
mycology 2
news media 2
nursery stock 2
nut crops 2
nutrition science 2
photoperiodism 2
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Portuguese 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943 3
Wendelin, Rudolph, 1910-2000 2
Clement, Clarence E. 1
McCann, Neil F. (Neil Frank), 1909-1986 1
Preston, William H. 1